Partnerships in Energy

Please find here more information on the European Partnerships in relation to energy.


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Key Information

This partnership aims in the short to medium-term to support the development of a world-class European research and innovation ecosystem on batteries with a view towards industrial leadership by Europe in the design and production of batteries for the next generation of both stationary and mobile applications. In the long-term, the goal is to develop futuristic battery technology beyond 2030.


- Type: Co-programmed 
- Predecessor: None 
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 


Go to the BATT4EU webpage

Funding Opportunities
Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities can participate as associated partners from a third country receiving funding from SERI. For further information, please check here.

Built4People | People-centric sustainable built environment

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Key Information

The vision of the partnerships is high quality, low carbon, energy and resource efficient built environments which drive the transition towards sustainability. The partnership brings together the whole value chain and it will develop sector-relevant innovation clusters across the EU. The objectives are scientific (generate holistic innovation for sustainability), economic (revitalise the sector via sustainable operation) and societal (induce behavioural change towards sustainable living). The objectives will be reached through a user-centric approach.


- Type: Co-programmed 
- Predecessor: None
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2021-2027)

Funding Opportunities
Swiss Eligibiliy

Swiss entities can participate as associated partners from a third country receiving funding from SERI. For further information, please check here.

Clean Energy Transition (CET)

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Key Information

A transformative research and innovation programme across Europe, this partnership will boost and accelerate energy transition in all its dimensions. It will enable joint research and innovation programmes from regional to national and global level, co-supported by industry, public organisations, research and citizens’ organisations to make Europe a frontrunner in energy innovation and eventually the first climate-neutral continent.


- Type: Co-funded 
- Predecessor: None 


Go to the CET webpage

Funding Opportunities

Published on the CET webpage.

Swiss Funding Agency

Swiss Federal Office of Energy and SNSF. Please contact the agency directly for further information 

Clean Hydrogen

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Key Information

The partnership aims to accelerate development and deployment of European clean hydrogen technologies, contributing to a sustainable, decarbonised and fully integrated energy system. It will focus on production, distribution and storage of clean hydrogen to supply hard to decarbonise sectors such as heavy industries and heavy-duty transport applications.


- Type: Institutionalised 
- Predecessor: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)
- Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2021-2027)
- Annual Work Programme


Go to the Clean Hydrogen webpage

Funding Opportunities

Published in the Clean Hydrogen Webpage and on the Funding & Tenders portal.

Swiss Eligibility

Swiss entities are eligible to participate as associated partners and if successful, funding will be secured via SERI. For further information, please check here.


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Eva Bøgelund

Eva Bøgelund

National Contact Point for Digital (Cluster 4) and Energy, incl. Euratom (Cluster 5) 

+41 31 380 60 24
Euresearch Network Office
Belpstrasse 11
3007 Bern

Go to further funding opportunities in Energy.
Go back to overview  of European Partnerships.
