Newsletter June 2024


Nice To Meet You – Eve Silfverberg

Dear readers, in this series we introduce you to our network and the people in it – what drives them, what is important to them. This month we meet Eve Silfverberg from the Euresearch Office University of Basel.

What was your career path before you joined Euresearch?

I studied biology at the University of East Anglia in the UK, where I grew-up. After graduating, I started my research career in molecular plant pathology. Switzerland is clearly one of the top research nations and it was great for me to have the opportunity to complete my PhD at ETH Zurich. During that time, I was first introduced to EU projects, as my professor was a participant in a pan-European consortium. Plant pathology is a relatively small community, but I already saw at that time how the framework programmes bring together experts from different countries and disciplines.

What attracted you to your current position and what do you enjoy most?

I have been working for Euresearch Network since 2008. With its strong focus on life sciences, Basel was an attractive destination for me. The job description was very broad and this accurately reflects the variety of our work. This is one of the things I love about my job – it is very varied, there is always something new to learn and it is certainly never boring! I also enjoy the interaction with so many dedicated people. We have the privilege to accompany very interesting people on their research journey. We advise researchers from all areas of research and this makes the job very rewarding.

What are your daily challenges?

The political situation has been the biggest challenge in recent years. When I first joined Euresearch, the European Research Council (ERC) had only just been established. At the University of Basel, we had 3 grants from the first call. The scheme was very new and not so well known. This has obviously changed over the years. We have now had more than 60 ERC grants in Basel and the international recognition is very important to our grantees and the university. The lack of access for early-career researchers to this scheme and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions is very damaging for the research community. This year has already brought more positive developments, with our researchers being able to apply to the ERC Advanced Grant 2024 Call in August. Let's hope the situation continues to develop in this way.

What is special about the Regional Office for Northwestern Switzerland?

The team of course! It is a real pleasure to work with my colleagues every day. I also think the location makes it quite special. With Basel's close proximity to France and Germany, you really feel the international atmosphere. There is a lot of openness for European collaboration in Basel and this makes our job much easier.

Interviewer: Maya Meier
Illustration: Alexandra Rosakis


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New Guide on EIT Community Innovation Activities

Have you wondered what type of calls and projects the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) supports? This guide provides information on the 9 thematic Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) and on the type of innovation calls they each offer. You can find many project examples that show in practical ways what type of projects are being funded. Applications from Swiss entities are possible with very few exceptions and funding is provided nationally.


Innovative Health Initiative: Call 8 Draft Topics and Info Events

IHI's Call 8 includes 4 draft topics:
- A city-based approach to reducing cardiovascular mortality in Europe
- Novel endpoints for osteoarthritis by applying big data analytics
- Modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms and enabling their deployment to support breakthrough innovation
- Patient-centred clinical-study endpoints derived using digital health technologies
Info events: 17.-21.06.2024, Online


MSCA Online Tutorial

An online tutorial for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 call is available for the proposal writing phase. Access is restricted to applicants preparing a Global Fellowship with a Swiss outgoing host and for Swiss based researchers. For access, please create a Euresearch account and email us the name of your current and future host.


Landscape of Biotech Innovation: State of Play

An analysis of patented biotechnology inventions shows how the EU positions itself compared to the US and China. The study supports the European Commission’s initiative "Building the future with nature: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU". It identifies current challenges and proposes targeted actions.


Alternatives to Animal Testing

The EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (ECVAM) promotes and facilitates the use of non-animal methods in testing and research. ECVAM is part of the Joint Research Centre and is located in Ispra, Italy.


Euresearch 2023 Annual Report Published

Find out more about Euresearch and its network in our latest annual report. We report on our services and products, our client events and preparations for the Horizon Europe Research Programme, and more.




EIC Pathfinder Challenges – 2024 Call

The EIC Pathfinder Challenges call will open soon. The challenges are: solar-to-X for renewable fuels; cement as a carbon sink; alternatives to food packaging; nanoelectronics for energy efficient edge devices; and resilient EU space infrastructure.
Call opens: 20.06.2024
Deadline: 16.10.2024


Metrology Partnership – 2024 Call

The second stage of the Metrology Partnership 2024 call is due to open soon. Submissions will be accepted for joint research proposals and coordination and support actions focusing on the metrology needs identified during the first call stage.
Call opens: 26.06.2024 (tbc)
Deadline: 30.09.2024 (tbc)


EIT Manufacturing – 2025 Call

European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Manufacturing invites submissions to its 2025 call, which opened on 29 April. Participation of Swiss entities is possible. Funding of successful proposals will be provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.
Deadline: 08.07.2024


MSCA Doctoral Networks – 2024 Call

The 2024 call of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks opened on 29 May. Swiss entities can participate as Associated Partners and recruit PhD candidates with national funding. Please watch our recorded info session for more information.
Deadline: 27.11.2024




Meet Technology & Research Partners

The Innovat&Match brokerage event is a quick and easy way to meet potential partners in pre-arranged online bilateral meetings. Register and create a personalised profile to present your business to others and promote your products, services and project ideas. You can also look for the skills, competencies and services you need.
26.-27.06.2024, Online


EIT Food – Swiss Start-Ups

3 Swiss startups are part of the 2024 European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food Accelerator Network Programme, a selection of 50 outstanding agrifoodtech startups. The programme helps impactful startups to accelerate the transition from an early-stage company to an investment and market-ready business.


New EIT Platform

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) “Dealroom” platform presents the latest data and trends on over 5 500 ventures powered by the EIT community. These companies currently have a combined enterprise value of EUR 71 billion. EIT support has helped start-ups accelerate growth, attract investment, and connect with new customers and partners.




Future Labs Live

The goal of the event is to help pave the way for the lab of the future. Start-ups, scientists and innovators from the areas of biotech, pharma, chemicals, food and beverages, agricultural, and materials are invited to attend. Euresearch will present Horizon Europe funding opportunities at this event.
25.-27.06.2024, Basel
Euresearch: 27.06.2024


MSCA Global Fellowship Applicants Training

Are you preparing a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Global Fellowship proposal with a Swiss host? Attend one of our online training events for researchers planning to apply to the 2024 call. Participants will learn how to write a competitive proposal and gain insight into the evaluation process.
1st Training: 02.07.2024, Online
2nd Training: 16.07.2024, Online


Euresearch Proposal Writing Training

Are you planning to submit a collaborative project to an upcoming Horizon Europe call? Join this training to learn about the different parts of the proposal template and how best to align your content to it. You will also get first-hand advice from a successful applicant from Switzerland.
29.08.2024, Bern


Quantum Industry Day

Save the date! Euresearch is pleased to announce its participation as an organising member at this year's Swiss Quantum Industry Day. This event gathers academic and industrial players to foster exchange and accelerate the development of new quantum products. Further details will be available later this month.
23.09.2024, Basel
